|| site info

|| site information ||

|| contact

Email: site (at) strangealchemy (dot) net

Please note that I have several chronic medical conditions, and my response time is completely dependent on how severely they’re affecting me – sometimes I’m able to get back to people within a day or so; other times, it may take a bit longer.

|| content & usage

All non-fandom content, and all original characters, locations, or objects created for the purpose of enhancing fandom projects, are the property of Atra Materia / The Dark Material and Strange Alchemy.

All fandom-related content, including but not limited to characters, locations, and objects, is the property of its original creator(s). This content is produced purely for personal enjoyment, and no revenue is received from these areas of the site.

I would prefer my works (original or fandom-related) not be reposted or repurposed without credit. With credit (author name + site link), permission is given to:

  • Link to individual works
  • Repost excerpts of unmodified works
  • Translate works into other languages for non-English readers
  • Create new works based on or inspired by (and I would love to see them if you do!)

For reposting / repurposing permissions not covered here, please contact me via the address above!

Previously, I wrote under the name Scarlet Seraph, and may still be listed as such on social sites that restrict name changes or on personal sites, maintained by someone other than myself, over which I have no control. It’s still me, either way!

|| external links

On numerous occasions, fandom creators such as myself have discovered their works on sites whose sole purpose is to generate revenue for other parties. Many times, these sites have no relation to the subject matter of the collected works, and may promote objectionable viewpoints or offensive material. While this is another area over which I have no control, you can be assured that if you’ve seen a link to Strange Alchemy (or any of its subsections) on such sites, it was placed there without my knowledge or permission.

If you’re a legitimate fandom-friendly site, all I ask is that any graphics used to link to Strange Alchemy are uploaded to your own hosting to keep my bandwidth usage down. Text-only links are great as well! ^_^

|| privacy policy

With the exception of fanlistings (where member data must be provided voluntarily), Strange Alchemy does not collect, share, or sell visitor information. WordPress insists on using cookies to function even when there are no interactive features (such as commenting), but I do not view or retain these records myself.

In the event that material is emdedded from a external site, or if you follow a link from Strange Alchemy to an external site (such Instagram or AO3), that site’s cookie and/or privacy policy comes into effect instead. This is area number three over which I have no control, and I do not have access to the information collected by external sites (nor would I be interested in it if I did!).